St. Joseph's/Candler Pharmacy Residents: Where are they now?
St. Joseph's/Candler pharmacy residents have success wherever they go. Whether pursuing a PGY2, entering the workforce or signing on to stay with SJ/C, the focus we place on clinical training and occupational development prepares our residents for their next step. We are so proud of each graduating class. Check out the success of this past year's graduates:
PGY1 Pharmacy Residents Class of 2023-2024
R130 Logan Bradley | R137 Chandler Allen |
R138 Bobby Azevedo | R139 Jason Boone |
R140 Jasmine King | R141 Kelsey Maynard |
R142 Shelby Wathen |
PGY2 Specialty Residents Class of 2023-2024
R131 Zoe Harlas | R133 Anna Shaw |
R143 Ahmed Abdulrahman | R144 Preston Mayo |
Where are they now?
The map below shows the far reaching diversity of where St. Joseph's/Candler Pharmacy Residents start their careers after graduation. The number in the pinpoint represents the number of residents who've gone on to that city. The map includes the past five years of graduates.

Past five year residents
R101 Abigail Hamlin, Savannah, GA
R102 Kathryn Huelfer, Savannah, GA
R103 Stephen McCall, Savannah, GA
R104 Mackenzi Meier, Savannah, GA
R105 Adam Pizzuti, Columbia, SC
R106 Tanner Truesdell, Kansas City, KS
R109 Chelsea Orvin, Savannah, GA
R111 Gina Cherniawski, Chicago, IL
R112 Tatyana Givens, Atlanta, GA
R113 Sarah Lopez, Savannah, GA
R114 Cody Parker, Savannah, GA
R115 Sam Pavlichek, Knoxville, TN
R116 Mary Sheffield, Lumberton, NC
R117 Kristen Pierce, Savannah, GA
R118 Kelsey Rensing, Knoxville, TN
R119 Keenya Leggette, Macon, GA
R120 Patrick Barry, Savannah, GA
R121 Amanda Bass, Savannah, GA
R122 Courtney Crosby, Savannah, GA
R123 Erin Eickman, Danville, PA
R124 Connor Floyd, Annapolis, MD
R126 Kelly Brown, Columbia, SC
R127 Austin Rich, Texas
R128 Christian Ruiz, Virginia Beach, VA
R129 Sarah Arnold, Columbia, SC
R131 Zoe Harlas, Savannah, GA
R132 Zach Holmes, Savannah, GA
R133 Anna Phillips, Greenville, SC
R134 Katie Stang, Charlottesville, VA
R135 Beck Hogewood, Rock Hill, SC
R136 Gator Hazelett, Toccoa, GA
R130 Logan Bradley, Savannah, GA
R137 Chandler Allen, New Orleans, LA
R138 Bobby Azevedo, Greenwood, SC
R139 Jason Boone, Augusta, GA
R140 Jasmine King, Rochester, MN
R141 Kelsey Maynard, Savannah, GA
R142 Shelby Wathen, Savannah, GA
R143 Ahmed Abdulraham, Savannah, GA
R144 Preston Mayo, Savannah, GA