Public Notice: ANCC Magnet Recognition Program® seeks public feedback. Learn more here.

St. Joseph's/Candler Community Outreach

Providing treatment for disease and illness is only one facet of St. Joseph's/Candler's role in the community. Our outreach initiatives also provide a positive force in the overall health and well-being of the areas we serve. 

We take a holistic approach to healing. We believe that external factors are essential to good health, including safe and adequate housing, education, access to information and meaningful employment.

Our mission of promoting wellness for all people incorporates this approach and can be seen in our numerous community outreach efforts.

Helping You Beyond Healthcare

What started more than two decades ago with the African-American Health Information & Resource Center and a short time later the St. Mary’s Community Center, our outreach has grown into several new programs across the Savannah region and South Carolina.

Why? Because the need is incredible.

In 2020, St. Joseph’s/Candler did more than $46 million in charity care. But that kind of raw number cannot represent the human touch we can deliver for an uninsured man who needs a chronic cough deciphered at the Good Samaritan Clinic or the St. Mary’s Health Center

We also have the Mercy Volunteer Core (MVC). For 20 years, SJ/C has collaborated with the Sisters of Mercy to support up to four full-time volunteers who give a year of service to serving in one of our ministries to the poor. These volunteers are usually college graduates who live a simple lifestyle and contribute to an identified community need during their year of service.

There's also ED Medical Home Program. This program refers uninsured patients from the SJ/C Emergency Departments to medical homes throughout Chatham County. The program evaluates the medical and social needs of patients and attempts to match those needs with available resources to keep patients healthy while providing uninsured patients with a primary medical home. Call 912-819-2409 for more information.

Along similar lines, we have the SOURCE program. SOURCE (Service Options Using Resources in Community Environments) monitors the health care of Medicaid and Medicare patients, many of whom are older with limited income. It strives to keep those with chronic conditions healthy and living independently while improving their health outcomes. Learn more here.

And there are so many others. 

St. Joseph’s/Candler and our dedicated co-worker do this outreach not because it makes us feel good. We do it because it is our mission and corporate responsibility.

Community Health Needs Assessment Survey 

Your feedback is important in the CHNA process. Please help us gain a better understanding about the health issues and strengths within our community. If you can take a few minutes and complete this online survey, it will help us understand the community needs, challenges and strengths to help us improve our services.

How can we help you?