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Ending urinary incontinence at the St. Joseph's/Candler Pelvic Floor & Continence Center

You enjoyed a good laugh at the school play and it happened. Or maybe you sneezed on the tennis court and it happened there. Urinary leakage is a common problem affecting millions of Americans. Maybe it’s become so frequent that you’re starting to avoid social situations. Or you plan outings only if you have easy access to a bathroom.

Simply put, urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine that you can’t control. Although this can be embarrassing, there’s good news. Loss of bladder control is not a disease, and it’s controllable and often treatable with help from a doctor.

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What can I do about urinary incontinence?

The first step is to talk to your doctor. Soon. There are good management and treatment plans available so that you don’t have to suffer in silence any longer. And the sooner you get help, the better your outcome. At St. Joseph’s/Candler, specially trained physicians help countless patients with the same symptoms that you have get back to living their life without fear of unwanted leakage. We want you to laugh, sneeze, play and work again without worrying about incontinence.

It’s important to talk to your doctor as soon as possible about your symptoms even if you’re experiencing just a little leakage so that your symptoms don’t get worse. Let’s get started and get you on the road to better living.

What causes it?

If you’ve been pregnant or have given birth, including a C-section delivery, your pelvic muscles can become weakened which increases your chances of urinary leakage. Since urinary incontinence can happen over time, you may have had your children and are only now experiencing these symptoms.

And men are affected, too! If you’re a male with prostate problems or other health issues going to the bathroom may be less controllable than it used to be.

Other conditions such as diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and smoking can all be contributing factors to your urinary incontinence.

How is My Condition Diagnosed? 

Following a referral, the Pelvic Floor & Continence Center will conduct a complete diagnostic evaluation. This process may include various outpatient tests, such as urinalysis, blood work and urodynamics (a diagnostic study that evaluates the bladder’s storage and emptying of urine). This testing can determine the exact cause of urinary incontinence and is important to assist your doctor in choosing the most effective treatment.

What can I do?

Get a referral. Our doctors want to get your life back ASAP. 

Request a referral online now

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