Attention Visitors: Restrictions in place at St. Joseph's/Candler due to rise in respiratory illnesses. Learn more here.

Medical Solutions for Bowel Control

It’s a very uncomfortable subject to talk about – and even more uncomfortable when you experience it. But for some time now you’ve noticed a change to your bowels - leakage, frequent gas and uncontrollable seepage when you have to go. Sometimes you don’t even realize it’s happening. If you have these symptoms you most likely have a condition that doctors refer to as bowel incontinence.  

Our specialists can help. 

Request a referral online now

Maybe you’ve been avoiding social situations or planning outings around bathroom stops just so you won’t be embarrassed.  It’s become frustrating because it’s disrupting and controlling your life.  You don’t want to stop your activities.  Maybe you love traveling, golfing, spending time with your kids and grandkids, gardening, and working – and you shouldn’t have to slow down.

The good news is that if treated early bowel incontinence is combatable. Recognizing your symptoms and  getting treatment is important to resolving this problem.

How can we help you?