Industrial Medicine Therapy Programs at St. Joseph's/Candler

St. Joseph's/Candler provides a full continuum of care for the industrial population in the area. Services are provided by a multidisciplinary team including physical therapists, occupational therapists, case managers, physicians, social workers and other medical professionals.

Services include:

  • Acute Outpatient Therapies - Treatment for all types of work-related injuries.
  • Back School - An educational program that focuses on the anatomy of the back/neck, posture, injury prevention and care of the spine following an injury.
  • Back and Neck Injury Program - This program is a coordinated treatment protocol for all phases of spine and associated soft tissue injuries.
  • Educational Programs
  • Functional Capacity Evaluation - An intense short-term evaluation focusing on physical tolerance and abilities related to musculoskeletal strength, endurance, speed and flexibility. (Offered only at our Pooler outpatient office.)
  • Job-Site Evaluation or Ergonomic Analysis - A licensed professional will visit an injured employee's specific work site to evaluate the actual job components, including tasks involved, work heights, work environment, etc.
  • On-Site Job Coaching - This service provides one-on-one coaching with an employee upon returning to work full- or part-time. Techniques learned during work conditioning can be re-enforced; compliance and tolerance can be documented.
  • Post-Therapy Program - Employees who receive two weeks of therapy or six visits will be eligible for this program. Payments are on a monthly basis for access to our outpatient facilities to continue their exercise and home programs.
  • Prevention and Wellness
  • Return-to-Work Programs
  • Transfer of Dominance - Designed for employees who have sustained permanent damage to their dominant arm, this program teaches compensatory techniques with the uninvolved, non-dominant arm.
  • Work Conditioning - An intensive goal-oriented treatment program designed to restore systemic, neurological, musculoskeletal (strength, endurance, movement, flexibility and motor control) and cardiopulmonary functions so the employee can return to work. The program incorporates traditional exercise techniques with some elements of job simulation.
  • Work Hardening - This is offered at the site of employment for each individual. Assignments are given to the employer and employee to be completed at work. Contact with a therapist is maintained on a daily basis to allow optimal treatment and communication.

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