Quiz – Lack of Lactase
Contrary as it may be to our childhood memories, the truth is that milk doesn’t always do a body good. If you experience bloating or cramps soon after indulging in a double-scoop of real ice cream or pouring a tall glass of milk with cookies, you
may be lactose intolerant. While this condition doesn’t really damage the body, it can be a disappointing development for milk lovers. At worst, it could put adequate intake of calcium at risk. Take our quiz to learn more:
1. Lactase is normally produced by cells lining the small intestine. This enzyme breaks down lactose, a sugar found in milk and milk products, into a form that can be absorbed by the blood. A lack of lactase can cause uncomfortable symptoms.

A. True
B. False
2. The most common symptom of lactose intolerance is:
A. Abdominal pain
B. Bloating
C. Cramps
D. Nausea
E. All of the above
3. Lactose intolerance affects some populations
more than others. Ninety percent of ______ adults are lactose intolerant.
A. African-American
B. Mexican-American
C. Native American
D. Asian-American
4. For people with lactose intolerance, diary foods
should be eliminated from the diet.
A. True
B. False
5. All of the following high-calcium foods are nondairy EXCEPT:
A .Collard and turnip greens
B. Fish with soft, edible bones such as salmon
and sardines
C. Yogurt with active cultures
D. Broccoli
E. Kale

1. A. True. Lactose intolerance affects between 30 and 50 million adults and children in the United States.
2. E. All of the above. Gas and diarrhea are also possible symptoms. Any of these can begin about 30 minutes to 2 hours
after consuming food or drink containing lactose.
3. D. Asian-American. Seventy-five percent of the other populations listed above are affected by lactose intolerance.
4. B. False. The American Academy of Pediatrics released
guidelines in 2006 that suggest certain dairy foods may cause less disagreeable symptoms than others in certain people, and that those foods can be used to help with intake of calcium and other important nutrients.
5. C. Yogurt with active cultures. Yogurt is made with milk,
but may still be a good calcium source for some people with lactose intolerance. Studies have shown that the bacterial cultures used to make yogurt produce some of the lactase enzyme needed for proper digestion.
Source: The Health Library.