Quiz: Milestone Mash-Up
If little Elizabeth can use compound sentences at age 5, shouldn’t 3-year-old Johnny know how to say “Please” and “Thank You?” Or is it the other way around? If similar questions are swirling around your head as a parent, take comfort in knowing you’re not alone. There are so many milestones in a child’s life that you could get yourself turned around faster than your kid at dance class. See which ones you already know in this quiz. But either way, Mom and Dad, remember that you’re doing great.

1. At 7 to 9 months old, most babies are able to _____.
A. Roll over from front to back and back to front
B. Reach for and grasp objects using whole hand
C. Play peek-a-boo
D. Hold a bottle or drink from a cup
E. All of the above
2. Though every child develops speech at their own rate, by 2-3 years old most children say two or more words with one action word, such as “daddy sleep.”
A. True
B. False
3. Typically by age 6 or 7, a child is able to do all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Ride a bike
B. Use tools such as a hammer or screwdriver
C. Read age-appropriate books
D. Tell time
4. When worried about developmental delays, about 18 percent of parents turned to faulty sources of information such as the internet, social media, or a well-meaning friend.
A. True
B. False
5. In a car, how tall should a child be to sit in a regular seat with a seat belt instead of a car seat or booster seat?
A. 3 feet, 5 inches
B. 4 feet
C. 4 feet, 9 inches
D. 5 feet

6. At what age will your child possibly get his first zit?
A. 15
B. 13
C. 12
D. 11
1. E. All of the above. Babies at this age become mobile for the first time and safety in the home becomes an important issue.
2. A. True. Speech at this age is becoming clearer and the child starts to form sentences.
3. B. Use tools. School-age children develop a variety of exciting new abilities, but competent use of appropriate tools (with adult supervision) is usually seen closer to age 8 or 9.
4. A. True. It’s natural to worry if it appears that other children are developing more quickly than your own. But most often it’s a case of each child being unique and going at their own pace. Observation and discussion at well-child visits with their doctor is the best way to assess milestones.
5. C. 4 feet, 9 inches. Children are usually big enough to use a regular seat when they are 8 to 12 years old. But check the fit first: the shoulder belt should lie across the chest, not the neck or throat. The lap belt should lie across the thighs, not the stomach.
6. D. 11. Acne is very common - nearly 80 percent of individuals in the United States between 11 and 30 years old will be affected by this condition at some point. Acne most often begins in puberty.
Source: The Health Library