Quiz –Treating The Fifth

The human parvovirus B19 causes fifth disease, an illness most commonly found in preschoolers and other children around that age. The disease got its name years ago when physicians created a list of classifications of skin rash diseases in children, and placed this one fifth. The bright rash may alarm parents, but this disease is typically a mild one. Take our quiz to learn more:

1. The first sign of fifth disease is usually bright red cheeks.

A. True
B. False

2. An early symptom of fifth disease is _____.

A. Low fever
B. Headache

C. Sore throat
D. Itching
E. All of the above

3. Children are the most contagious _____ the rash occurs. 

A. After
B. Before
C. At the same time

4. Fifth disease can cause serious complications for adults who are:

A. Immunocompromised
B. Pregnant
C. All of the above




1. A. The rash is very distinct, giving it the nickname “slapped cheek disease.”

2.  E. These symptoms usually appear between 4 to 14 days after the child is exposed to the virus.

3. B. About 4 in 5 infected children will have very mild symptoms for about a week before developing the rash.

4. C. Most adults have built up immunity to fifth disease. But immunocompromised people and pregnant woman should talk with their doctor if they think they’ve caught fifth disease. 

Source: Krames Health Library

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