Breaking up with the scale: What numbers really matter with weight management

Fitness, Nutrition
Feb 27, 2025

St. Joseph’s/Candler offers a revamped weight management program to help you with your health goals

We are almost three months into the New Year. How are those resolutions going to eat better, exercise more and lose some weight?

If the answer is not so good, then let us tell you about a program offered at the St. Joseph’s/Candler Wellness Center. It’s our weight management program, and it’s available to anyone in the community.

While our weight management program has been around for years, we are taking a fresh look at it and asking the question, ‘How do you quantify success?’

“We have patients who put in all this hard work. They are revamping lifestyle; they are showing up to training sessions, but the scale doesn’t reflect it,” says Chloe Paddison Eddleman, education specialist and registered dietitian with St. Joseph’s/Candler. “We think that’s an issue in terms of longevity for motivation in the program.”

So we’re doing something that may surprise some people: We’re asking you to break up with the number on the scale and focus on other important values.

Now, don’t panic if you’re used to stepping on a scale every week. You will still see scales in the Wellness Center. But we don’t want that number to define success. So, while the program still includes personal training, access to fitness classes and one-on-one coaching with a dietitian, we are adding lab work to look at thyroid levels, hormone levels, insulin resistance and more.

“These are factors that can be backdoors into other reasons the scale is not changing, even though you are putting in the work,” Eddleman says. “In my professional experience, never have I seen the number on the scale be a relevant tool to evaluate progress and overall health because there are so many factors that go into weight, including muscle, fluid and inflammation.”

Additionally, through one-on-one coaching with a registered dietitian, we will guide you through your weight management journey. For example, if we are saying not to use the scale to dictate behaviors, then what healthy behaviors matter? Our dietitians can talk to you about meal frequency, balanced meals and more so you don’t feel out of control with food, Eddleman says.

“I like to talk about where you are right now. What is your day to day like?” Eddleman says. “Are you stressed at work so you have no appetite cues? Do you skip breakfast? So we pick one area at a time to focus on, and then as these realistic, attainable goals fall into place, most people are blown away how these small pieces add up.”

Join our weight management program today

The comprehensive weight management program is a year-long and has requirements you must meet, such as meeting with a personal trainer, dietitian and case manager. But we encourage you to look at it as an investment in your health.

The program is open to anyone in the community. Self-pay rates are available. Additionally, ask if your company has any type of agreement with St. Joseph’s/Candler for Wellness Center services.

You can always call the Wellness Center at 912-819-8800 with any questions.


Are following us on social media?

If you are interested in “breaking up with the scale”, be sure to follow St. Joseph’s/Candler on our social media platforms as throughout the next several months, we will offer nutritional advice on living a healthy life with a refreshed perspective on how you “quantify success.”

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