Medical Staff Orientation
Dear Physician:
Welcome to the St. Joseph's/Candler Medical Staff. As a new member of the Medical Staff you are required to complete a formal orientation. To get started, please review the online orientation packet by clicking on the links below and reading the documents prior to coming to your orientation meeting in the Medical Staff Office. Please print and complete the "New Physician Interview", "Orientation Signature Page" and "Physician Committee Interest Page" and bring these items along with any questions you may have to the orientation meeting. Once again, we welcome you and look forward to working with you at St. Joseph's/Candler.
General Information
- Leaders of the Medical Staff
- Quick Reference Telephone Guide
- Maps of St. Joseph's Hospital and Candler Hospital
System Quality Improvement
Credentialing Process
- Categories of the Medical Staff and Requirements
- Schedule of Medical Staff General Staff and Departmental Meetings
Medical Record Rules
Hospital Department Information
Mission Services
Medical Staff Policies
- Code of Conduct - Professional Behavior
- Physician Health Issues
- Peer Review Process
- Moderate Sedation and Analgesia
- Physician Lounge
- Physician Name Badges
- Physician Parking
- Residents
Medical Staff Bylaws
Hospital Safety
(1) This topic is covered in the Joint Credentials Manual of the Governing Documents provided to you with your application.
(2) This topic is covered in the Joint Rules and Regulations of the Governing Documents provided to you with your application.
(3) This topic is covered in the Pharmacy & Therapeutic Committee document.
Please print and complete the following document and bring these with you to the orientation meeting: