The Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion Earns Multiple Accreditations, Awards

LCRP earns accreditation from the Commission on Cancer

In 2014, the Commission on Cancer (CoC) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) granted a three-year accreditation to the Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion. The LCRP has re-earned accreditation every three years since.

To earn voluntary CoC accreditation, a cancer program must meet 38 quality care standards, be evaluated three years through a survey process and maintain levels of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient-centered care.

This achievement by the LCRP is attributable to its multidisciplinary approach – treating cancer as a complex group of diseases that requires consultation among surgeons, medical and radiation oncologists, diagnostic radiologists, pathologists, and other cancer specialists. The CoC Accreditation Program provided a framework for the LCRP to evaluate and improve its quality of patient care through programs that focus on the full spectrum of cancer care including prevention, early diagnosis, cancer staging, optimal treatment, rehabilitation, life-long follow-up for recurrent disease and end of life care.

To become accredited by the CoC, a facility must also provide patients with access to information on clinical trials and new treatments, genetic counseling and patient-centered services including patient navigation and a survivorship care plan that seeks to improve cancer survivors’ quality of life.

The Commission on Cancer also awards LCRP Outstanding Achievement Award

In 2015, the LCRP earned the Outstanding Achievement Award by the Commission on Cancer (CoC) of the American College of Surgeons (ACoS).

The LCRP is one of a select group of only 75 U.S. health care facilities with accredited cancer programs to receive this national honor for surveys performed during the course of a year. The award acknowledges cancer programs that achieve excellence in providing quality care to cancer patients.

The LCRP was evaluated on 34 program standards categorized within one of four cancer program activity areas:

  • Cancer committee leadership
  • Cancer data management
  • Clinical services
  • Quality improvement

The cancer program was further evaluated on seven commendation standards. To be eligible, all award recipients must have received commendation rating in all seven commendation standards, in addition to receiving a compliance rating for each of the 27 other standards.

Radiation Oncology Program at the LCRP accredited by the American College of Radiology

The Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion’s radiation oncology practice is the only American College of Radiology (ACR) accredited facility in the region.

The ACR is the nation’s oldest and most widely accepted radiation oncology accrediting body with more than 650 accredited sites and 29 years of accreditation experience. The ACR seal of accreditation represents the highest level of quality and patient safety. It is awarded only to facilities meeting specific Practice Guidelines and Technical Standards developed by ACR after a peer-review evaluation by board-certified radiation oncologists and medical physicists who are experts in the field.

Patient care and treatment, patient safety, personnel qualifications, adequacy of facility equipment, quality control procedures, and quality assurance programs are assessed. The findings are reported to the ACR Committee on Radiation Oncology Accreditation, which subsequently provides the practice with a comprehensive report they can use for continuous practice improvement.

LCRP receives National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers Accreditation

The LCRP again has received the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) three-year full accreditation.

The NAPBC Accreditation is the seal of approval for the LCRP from the American College of Surgeons and recognizes the LCRP’s commitment to providing the highest quality evaluation and management of patients with breast disease. NAPBC accreditation challenges breast cancer centers to enhance the care they provide by addressing patient-centered needs and measuring the quality of care they deliver against national standards.

LCRP's Lung Cancer Screening Program receives accreditation from ACR

The American College of Radiology's Committee on CT Accreditation recently designated our program as an ACR Lung Cancer Screening Center. This designation is awarded when a facility achieves accreditation by the ACR in CT accreditation in at least the chest module and signifies that our lung cancer screening program and protocol meets at least the minimum requirements set forth by the ACR lung cancer screening committee. 

LCRP Navigation Team Receives Matt Mumber, M.D. Visionary Award

The LCRP Navigation Team was awarded the Matt Mumber, M.D. Visionary Award for Excellence in Patient Navigation at the 2018 GASCO meeting in Atlanta. The award recognized the navigation team for their role in cancer prevention, particularly with screening and prevention programs of colorectal, lung and skin cancers. 

The nurse navigator program currently consists of 11 navigators who continually offer comprehensive patient care throughout the disease continuum. Learn more  here

Nancy N. and J.C.
Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion
225 Candler Dr.,
Savannah, GA 31405

St. Joseph's Hospital Campus 
11705 Mercy Blvd.,
Savannah, GA 31419

Candler Hospital Campus 
5353 Reynolds St.,
Savannah, GA 31405