Bē Health Massage Therapy available in Richmond Hill
Sore neck or back? Work place injury? You may want to consider therapeutic massage as a complementary healthcare option.
Yes, that’s right. Massage therapy is for more than just relaxation and indulgence. Therapeutic massage can be a great complementary option to help with pain management of a sports or workplace injury. It also can help with fibromyalgia, arthritis, blood pressure and circulation and other ailments.
Massage therapy is available every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the SJ/C Heartwood Campus in suite 101. Our certified massage therapist is Katie Crawford. She’s been a licensed massage therapist for 18 years.
Some of the benefits of massage therapy include:
- Improved in circulation
- Reduced tension
- Lower blood pressure
- Promote a greater range of motion
- Help with depression, insomnia, anxiety and stress management
- Increased joint flexibility
- Helps with repetitive motion injuries
- Helps with every day aches and pains
- Eases medication dependence
Learn more about massage therapy and prices here.
To schedule your massage with Katie, call the Bē Health navigator at 912-675-0542. If you are Heartwood resident, please let the navigator know for a discounted rate.