Attention Visitors: Restrictions in place at St. Joseph's/Candler due to rise in respiratory illnesses. Learn more here.

Pediatric Surgery Experts Help Children Get Back to the Playground Faster

We offer pediatric surgery at Candler Hospital as part of The Children's Place. The following information will help you understand what is involved in planning your child's surgery. Once the decision is made to have surgery, your child's doctor will schedule it. A pre-screening visit may be required, which could include lab work.

Preparing for Your Child’s Surgery at St. Joseph's/Candler

When you bring your child to the hospital, be sure to bring insurance information. The nurses will also want to obtain information about your child's health history, including:

  • Height and weight
  • Allergies
  • Immunization record
  • History of reactions to anesthesia 
  • History of health problems
  • Recent exposure to contagious diseases
  • Birth history (of children under 18 months)
  • Emergency room visits (in the last three months)

What to Expect the Day of Surgery

Your child must not have anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery. On the day of surgery, we recommend you bring the following:

  • Favorite toy or blanket
  • Pacifier/bottle/sippy cup
  • Comfort items for parents, such as reading material
  • Emergency phone numbers

If anesthesia is needed for surgery, an anesthesiologist will administer the medication and monitor your child during surgery. You may meet with the anesthesiologist to discuss any questions.

What to Expect After the Surgery and at Home

It is important for a child to know you will be waiting when they return from surgery. After surgery, your child's surgeon will need to speak with you. It is very important for you to stay in your child's room or the designated waiting area until the surgery is finished. You will be given specific discharge instructions and possibly a prescription for your child before going home. After returning home, please report any of the following to your doctor immediately:

  • Fever more than 101.5 degrees
  • Pain not controlled by medication
  • Bleeding more than expected
  • Painful or absence of urination
  • Wheezing or noisy breathing

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