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Bearly Sick: Affordable child care when your child isn't well enough to go to day care or school

Have you ever had a big meeting or project for work only to find out that morning your child isn't feeling well? Bearly Sick is a childcare program for mildly ill children ages 3 months to 14 years of age who are too sick to go to school or daycare. At Bearly Sick, your child receives special attention from our caring, certified Patient Care Technicians for minor illnesses such as a cold, allergies, fevers under 101 degrees or infections for which the child has received antibiotics over the previous 24 hours.

Meals and snacks are provided, but we require that you bring your child's diapers, formula, medications, bottles and other personal items so that your child has what he or she needs throughout the day. Immunization records are required to be up to date and on file with us, so please bring a copy with you.

What We Offer

Bearly Sick provides comfort within the secure, friendly setting of Candler Hospital's The Children's Place. We have snuggly blankets, lots of toys, games, television and other activities, as well as cozy cribs to keep kids comfy throughout the day. Should a child's illness get worse during their stay, our pediatric nurses are available to address your child's needs. 

Location and Hours

The Children's Place at Candler Hospital is located on the fifth floor, 5353 Reynolds Street. Hours are Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Except on holidays)

Registration and Cost

Registration is required by calling Bearly Sick at 912-819-7382 during normal business hours or after-hours by calling the pediatric nurses' station at 912-819-6215. Cost is $28 a day for the general public. It’s free for members of the Savannah Business Group and SJ/C co-workers who are on SJ/C insurance. Registration is limited to five children per day.

Our Staff

Glenda Magwood, Patient Care Tech

Angela Strickland, BSN, RN, CLC

Meredith Scaccia MSN, RN, NEA-BC; Director of Mary Telfair Women's Hospital & Children’s Place

Contact Us

For more information about Bearly Sick, please call 912-819-7382.

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Our team of highly-skilled doctors are experienced in many aspects of healthcare from primary care to emergent care to specialty care. Find a physician that meets your needs.

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