Public Notice: ANCC Magnet Recognition Program® seeks public feedback. Learn more here.

Upcoming events  & educational opportunities related to movement disorders

Community Events

Stay tuned for announcements on some exciting upcoming events!

Self Help/Support Groups

If you are looking for local and national support group information, please click here.

If you are looking for Parkinson's disease support group information, please click here.

Virtual Education Programs for Movement Disorders

If you are looking for additional education about your Movement Disorder, please contact the outreach coordinator, Katy Harne at 912-819-2224 or by filling out this contact form.

Find a Physician

Meet the team at St. Joseph's/Candler

Our team of highly-skilled doctors are experienced in many aspects of healthcare from primary care to emergent care to specialty care. Find a physician that meets your needs.

How can we help you?