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Stop Smoking Now

Improve your quality of life by eliminating smoking or smokeless tobacco

St. Joseph’s/Candler Center for Medication Management offers a comprehensive smoking and smokeless tobacco cessation program staffed by a certified team. This program will give you the support and resources needed to help you quit for good.

The program includes:

  • One-on-one comprehensive patient education
  • Group classes
  • Nicotine-dependence assessment
  • Customized treatment plans to assist in smoking cessation
  • Pharmacologic treatment management for smoking cessation
  • Follow-up counseling to monitor patient progress

Who’s it for

The Comprehensive Tobacco Cessation Program is for any tobacco user, including those who smoke tobacco and those who use smokeless tobacco, such as dippers and chewers. The program also can help those who use e-cigarettes and how to taper off vapors.

Jean Love smoked for 50 years before she finally quit thanks to the Tobacco Cessation Program and cessation medication. Read her story here

This program, with a physician's referral, is covered by most insurance, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Savannah Business Group, Medicare and Tricare.

Anyone interested in participating in the Tobacco Cessation Program or for questions about insurance or how to get a referral, can call 912-819-8407 or  fill out this contact form. A specialist will answer any questions, coordinate referrals and call insurance companies for interested participants.

Have questions? Fill out this form now.

One-on-one program

During the one-on-one program, you will meet with a certified tobacco treatment specialist to discuss tobacco cessation goals. The specialist will combine behavioral management with any pharmacological agents needed to help you quit smoking. Patients will be asked a series of questions revolving around what are your triggers to smoke and your motivation to quit. Patients also are screened to see if they qualify for any medications to help them quit. Other methods are available if you prefer not to take medication.

The one-on-one program requires a physician referral in order to be covered by insurance. Most insurance companies cover the program including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicaid, Medicare, Tri-Care, St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System, and all Savannah Business Group companies. Patients can self-refer themselves, and the specialist will work with you and your physician to get a referral so insurance can be billed.

One-on-one counseling typically lasts six to eight weeks, depending on insurance coverage.

Group classes

The Comprehensive Tobacco Cessation Program also offers group classes. These classes last either four or 12 weeks.

The 12-week classes occur on an as-needed basis at the request of St. Joseph’s/Candler or a Savannah Business Group Company. The 12-week classes are held in a group setting and offer educational and motivational support to quit using tobacco. There is opportunity after each class – held once a week – to talk individually with the specialist. During the group classes, medications are not prescribed but recommendations may be made for you to take  back to your physician.

The 12-week class is $460 with a discounted rate to select companies.

The four week class is open to anyone in the community. The program is offered periodically as a need presents itself. Cost is $100 with a discounted rate to select companies.  

Contact us

If you are a company interested in seeing a presentation on the Comprehensive Tobacco Cessation Program or implementing a 12-week program for your employees, call 912-819-8407 or contact via email.


How can we help you?